


Parent's Portal



In our Montessori classroom, children are able to pursue and explore the interests in the following areas.

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Practical Life Area

Children develop selfhelp skills by doing activities that they observe in their daily routines. These exercises provide opportunities to improve eyehand coordination, fine motor skills, a sense of order and concentration. A few examples of activities that can be found in this area are: pouring water from one container to another, spooning, using tongs and buttoning frames.

Sensorial Area

Children learn to distinguish between objects by height, weight, width, shape, color, sound taste smell and texture. Through orderly use of scientifically designed materials, the child’s senses are sharpened and refined. This area also provides a foundation for higher math concepts.

Science, Cultural, Music and Art Areas

These subjects stimulate interest in natural life, the world, and the universe. Multicultural subjects broaden children’s perspective and teach respect for others.

Language Area

Children acquire skills for oral and written language through sharing of spoken thoughts, feelings and ideas. Children gain enjoyable and purposeful experiences as the develop skills for reading and writing through guided use of materials. Chinese lessons are offered every Fridays related to the Montessori curriculum themes taught that year. Children learn Mandarin words and phrases through singing, dancing, listening to stories and practicing on learning materials.

Math Area

Children develop an understanding of number concepts in this area. Through progressive application of handson materials, children naturally grasp abstract mathematical concepts.


Our Teachers

The teaching staff at Kinder Academy Montessori are highly qualified and experienced Montessori trained teachers. They are dedicated to meeting each child’s cognitive, emotional and social needs.


Kinder Academy Montessori

2021 – 2022 Calendar

First Day of School

Labor Day Holiday

Virtual Back to School Parent Night

Teacher’s Workshop Day (School closed)

Halloween Party (Early Dismissal)

Veteran’s Day Holiday

Thanksgiving Feast (Early Dismissal)

Thanksgiving Holiday

Christmas Party (Early Dismissal)

Classes Resume

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

President’s Day Holiday

Teachers Workshop Day (School closed)

Spring Recess

Classes Resume

Easter Egg Hunt (Early Dismissal)

Memorial Day Holiday

Graduation Day & Last Day of School (Early Dismissal)

All the holiday events are for children only and subject to change